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The pandemic may accelerate the spread of electronic procedures in Hungary
/in News, Publications /by Kapolyi IrodaThe pandemic brought significant changes both in the everyday and work lives of people: the use of home office became widespread, while communication is conducted through phone, emails and video conferences. Concurrently for official matters, such as signing contracts and doing banking administration, a person’s signature and personal presence are often essential. According to Kapolyi […]
The Hungarian National Bank clarified several questions with regards to the repayment moratorium
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaThe National Bank of Hungary (NBH) has published a prospectus on its website in the form of Frequently Asked Questions regarding the repayment moratorium and the supervisory measures related to the pandemic (Prospectus). The purpose of the Prospectus is to adjust questions, arising in the practice to the main provisions of the Government Decree on […]
Competition law in the age of Coronavirus: state-owned venture capital and private equity funds may acquire companies more easily
/in News, Publications /by Kapolyi IrodaSignificant relief was granted to directly or indirectly state-owned venture capital and private equity funds which, individually or jointly with another company, acquire management rights in a company for investment protection purposes. During the period of the emergency, for transactions in which the acquired company was in a difficult situation as a result of the […]
Coronavirus: companies can receive state aid in these five categories according to the European Commission’s resolution
/in News, Publications /by Kapolyi IrodaWith respect to the economic damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the European Commission has mitigated its position related to state aid and has temporarily amended the framework in the light of the crisis. The competition law expert of Kapolyi Law Firm summarized the most important information in this regard and the opportunities available to […]
Force majeure and MAC/MAE clauses during the period of Covid-19 in Hungary
/in News, Publications /by Kapolyi IrodaWhat force majeure means? Force majeure (in the Hungarian legal language: “vis maior”) is a legal institution dating back to Roman law, and “means a force or event that human weakness cannot resist.”[1] The legal literature includes both overwhelming natural forces, such as earthquakes, floods, shipwrecks, other natural disasters, and certain human/social movements, such as […]
Kapolyi Law firm is among the best Hungarian law firms in 2020 according to Chambers and Partners and The Legal 500 legal guides
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaWe are honoured to have been top ranked among the best Hungarian law firms in the 2020 edition of The Legal500 EMEA and Chambers and Partners legal guides.
The meetings of governing bodies of legal entities during the Coronavirus pandemic
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaBased on Parliament’s authorisation, the Government enacted Decree 102/2020. (IV.10.) on diverging provisions concerning the operation of partnerships and capital companies during the state of emergency (hereinafter: “Decree”). The decree was issued on 11 April 2020 and will remain in effect until the state of emergency ceases according to government Decree 40/2020 (III. 11.). The […]
An interview with dr. Gábor Horváth, Head of the Corporate and Labour Law Department, on arsboni.hu.
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaSorry, this etry is only available in Hungarian.
Dr. Balázs Ferenczy’s Interview on the Repayment Moratorium on Klubrádió
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaKapolyi Law Firm’s Head of Banking and Finance Department, dr. Balázs Ferenczy was invited to Klubrádió’s ‘Vállalkozók Klubja’, where the show’s host, Iván Kárpáti, interviewed him on how the repayment moratorium affects the credit market participants. You can listen to the full interview in Hungarian on klubradio.hu. https://www.klubradio.hu/archivum/vallalkozok-klubja-2020-aprilis-06-hetfo-1430-9803
Credit Card and Current Account Debts in Light of the Loan Repayment Moratorium
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaThe moratorium on loan repayments introduced as a result of the coronavirus pandemic essentially ‘reversed’ regulations on payment obligations arising from credit and loan agreements. With regards to the moratorium, the question of how the payment of debts from credit cards and overdraft facilities are affected arises. These credit products are revolving (i.e.: they do […]
The Hungarian Parliament adopted a law extending the extraordinary legal order
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaThe Hungarian Parliament adopted the Act XII of 2020 („Coronavirus Act”) on March 30, which extends the extraordinary power of the Hungarian Government for the duration of state of danger (declared almost two weeks ago). The Act retains the right and authorization for the Government to govern by way of government decrees, furthermore, during the […]
New Money-Laundering Prevention Policy Templates are Available from The National Bank of Hungary
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaDue to changes in the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act earlier this year, the policy templates and guidelines have changed The National Bank of Hungary (MNB) updated its Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Policy Templates and its Guidelines, designed to assist companies under the effect of the Act on […]
Coronavirus Guidelines for exporting and importing firms
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaKapolyi Law Firm, in cooperation with Austrian, Croatian, Slovenian, German and Italian law firms, had a look at the our Governments’ economic measures which dealing with the assessment of economic difficulties and related state assistance. During the preparation of this document, we paid special attention to measures in the sector of freight transport, so after […]
Employer’s Data Protection Challenges During the Coronavirus Pandemic
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaIn our previous newsletter, we examined the most important labour law provisions, which became especially relevant due to the spread of the coronavirus. We would like to remind you, that in today’s extraordinary circumstances, employers must not only consider labour laws, but also comply with data protection regulations. This newsletter summarises the most imperative risks, […]