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In case of high-value real properties even the professional property investors should consider to take out title insurance
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaIt is not yet widespread in Hungary, although common practice in Anglo-Saxon areas, that at the same time of purchasing a real property of higher-value, principally commercial and industrial ones, or a company owning the real property, buyers take out the so-called title insurance. What does this mean in practice? It will be summarized in […]
The impact of Brexit on EU trademarks
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaBrexit will bring a number of changes to certain international legal relationships that we can’t anticipate yet; therefore a number of legal issues will arise related to the period beginning on January 1, 2021. Until then, however, there is a transitional period during which we should, as much as possible, prepare for the post-Brexit period. […]
According to the government decree that entered into force on 11 November 2020 no general meeting of more than 10 attendees may be convened until 11 December 2020
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaSubsection 1 of article 5 of Government Decree No. 484/2020 (XI. 10.) entered into force on 11 November 2020 according to which – with certain exceptions – it is forbidden to organize any event and it is forbidden to be present in person at the venue thereof regardless of the venue of the event. The […]
We have joined IR Global to further strengthen our cross-border legal services
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaKapolyi Law Firm is expanding its international relations by a further cooperation. By joining the IR Global international network, we are expanding the range of our complex cross-border services primarily in the field of real estate and energy law, thereby enhancing the standard of our services in international legal transactions. IR Global is an international […]
The Government extended the temporarily reintroduced border control until 31 December 2020
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaIn the second wave of COVID pandemic the number of people infected has skyrocketed, forcing more and more countries to reintroduce restrictions despite of the economic crisis. At the end of August, the Hungarian government announced that it tightens the conditions of entry into the country in accordance with the provisions of Government Decree No. […]
Latest measures of the Hungarian Government concerning the COVID-19 epidemic
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaThe 195th, 195th and 201th of the 2020 issue of the Hungarian Gazette have published several Government measures related to the epidemiological situation. The most important are the following. On the temporary reintroduction of border control The Hungarian Government, pursuant to the 407/2020. (VIII. 30.) Government Decree considering the existence of a serious threat to […]
Kapolyi Law Firm strengthens with new practice leader and partner in the field of dispute resolution and debt collection
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaA new senior lawyer with more than 20 years of professional experience in dispute resolution, public procurement, administrative procedure and arbitration law comes to Kapolyi Law Firm. Dr. József Antal leads the law firm’s dispute resolution and debt collection team in a position as partner. Dr. József Antal, the new senior lawyer of the Kapolyi […]
Kapolyi Law Firm participated as legal advisor in the preparation of the Duna House bond issue
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaOn 31 August, the bond issue of Duna House ended with a significant oversubscription. The largest property brokerage group in Central and Eastern Europe announced in early August that it was participating in the Growth Bond Program of the National Bank of Hungary. Duna House invited Kapolyi Law Firm, a market leader in banking, financing […]
Signs of recovery
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaThe National Bank of Hungary published remarkable statistics, conducted by Ádám Fekete and Tamás Nyitrai, on the surveys carried out by the central bank among companies in the SME sector on the state of the economy created by the epidemiological situation. The study states that “Based on the results, the economic recovery is indicated, among […]
Circular of the National Bank of Hungary on maintaining the lending activity of banks
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaAccording to a press release published by the National Bank of Hungary on 18 August 2020, the Supervisory Authority called upon the domestic credit and payment institutions to maintain their lending activity in a circular. According to the circular, “the National Bank of Hungary expects that the assessment of debtors’ creditworthiness will not deteriorate due […]
The scopes of activity have been changed in the purpose of the economical protection of companies based in Hungary
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaIn its former professional article Kapolyi Law Firm has elaborated in detail the provisions of the act on the cessation of the emergency and the destiny of regulations issued during this period published on the 17th of June 2020 (Mixing-Act; Act LVIII of 2020 on transitional rules related to the cessation of the emergency and […]
A recently enacted Statute – replacing an earlier Government Decree – is now the guiding regulation on the permissibility of foreign investors acquiring Hungarian strategic companies and their undertaking of specific legal transactions
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaOn the 17th of June 2020 an Act on the cessation of the emergency and the destiny of regulations made during this period[1] (Mixing-Act) was published according to which it has now been recorded at the statutory level that for the validity of specific transactions in strategic companies (by virtue of contract, unilateral declaration or […]
Tapping Capital: Sources of and Problems with Financing in the Hungarian Market
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaThe Head of our Banking & Finance Practice Group, dr. Balazs J. Ferenczy, with other leading legal advisors of the Hungarian Banking/Finance industry, has been participating in the Banking Roundtable Discussion, organized by CEE Legal Matters Magazine back in February this year, in order to share thoughts about the current trends of the Hungarian banking […]
The Government Decree – essentially setting forth a requirement for governmental approval – for foreign investors acquiring ownership in Hungarian strategic corporations and conducting specified transactions will remain in force until the end of the year
/in News /by Kapolyi IrodaOn the 25th of May 2020 a Government Decree[1] (Decree) was published according to which for the validity of specific transactions in strategic companies (by virtue of contract, unilateral declaration or a resolution permitting: transfer of ownership free of charge or for consideration; capital increase; transformation, merger and division of the company; the issue of […]